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The plough girl squadron, part four - TEXT

The plough girl squadron, part four
Price: 3.00

Olga and Mike go to Kennedy to meet Blossom, the new plough girl from Kenya. Six foot six and very heavily muscled, with immense legs, like all plough girls. But Blossom had truly colossal breasts, much bigger than even Olga, and she wouldn't fit through a standard 36 inch door if she tried going sideways. The Plough Girl Squadron was so successful at suppressing street crime, that the bean counters decided to cancel the project, since street crime was now so low. So Olga came up with plan B, which was to relocate from NYC to Chicago, a city in great need of plough girls to clean up the streets.

Olga Mike Kennedy Blossom plough girl Kenya six foot six heavily muscled immense legs colossal breasts 36 inch door Plough Girl Squadron street crime bean counters cancel project NYC Chicago clean up streets.

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